Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How in the heck?

Down yonder, there are a few pictures of the Bounder in its "as is" condition.  I had to park it at the church for a night until Katie and I had time to drive it to her parent's house in Jamesville, NC where there is room for it to park and tools to get our fix on.  We actually drove it to my grandparent's houses in Roper for Thanksgiving to show it off to all the folks and to give Katie a chance to ride/drive in it.  Surprisingly, all the family seemed to really like it!  In fact, uncle Paul wants to rent it from us so that their family can take a road trip!  It was very encouraging to hear all of their approvals.  I was a little worried that someone would give us a hard time for spending our money like that.  Speaking of money...

"How the heck did we pay for this thing with cash we're only young married college kids?" you may ask?  Well here is the "big secret".  Since we are young married college kids, we received some grant money for school.  Furthermore, one of my classes was canceled rather last minute, so we were able to receive some refund money for the difference.  This money we quickly and carefully placed in a high interest checking account, by the recommendation of our awesome financial adviser.  Since this money is being saved for school and not  being used as our income or general spending money, it accrues sweet interest.  Anyway, this purchase is our housing for school next year so the money is not only going to still be used for school, we should be able to sell the Bounder when we are done-unlike an apartment.  

Long story short, we want to have a fun way to live and try to save some cash at the same time.  No, we aren't trying to be hippies or crazy minimalists.  No, we aren't trying to say that everyone should live in a motorhome, or that everyone should sell all there things and live on the road.  But, maybe that stuff is for you and you just didn't realize it.  Perhaps you have just wondered about the possibilities of living cheap and small.  

Well cool, glad we figured that out.  Up next, I am planning to do some posts about motorhome improvements and the challenges and rewards thereof.  

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